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How can I Improve my Rural Broadband Speed?
June 6, 2019

Here is our top methods to help you speed up your rural broadband speed.

Stuck in the countryside with slow broadband or poor connectivity?

We've heard it before - you're not the first.

Many of our clients are based in remote, rural countryside locations and therefore suffer with very slow broadband speeds.

This blog post is designed to give you some ideas of how to speed up your rural broadband speed.

Why do rural locations have slow broadband?

As a communications company based in Somerset, we frequently get asked why rural broadband speed is so slow. In fact, it's one of our most commonly asked questions.

The answer is simple: there is not sufficient infrastructure in rural locations to facilitate a fibre-optic speed.

What does that really mean though? Well, broadband works using one of three main methods:


An ADSL connection is the slowest form of connectivity. ADSL uses copper cable that runs from your telephone exchange (which could be MILES away) to the cabinet, and then another copper wire from the cabinet to your premises. ADSL offers 1 - 24 Mbps.

Fibre the to Cabinet (FTTC)

Fibre to the cabinet is the most common form of internet connectivity. FTTC runs a fibre cable to your nearest green street cabinet, and then a copper line from that cabinet to your premises. FTTC offers 10 - 80 Mbps.

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)

Fibre to the premises is becoming more and more common as we move closer to a fully digital Britain. Fibre to the premises is more common in inner-city areas where the cost of it's implementation is lower, as premises are closer together. FTTP offers 40 - 330Mbps

Fixed line, adsl, fibre broadband diagram
Our diagram showing the different types of broadband and their speeds.

The issue with broadband in rural areas

Whilst fibre to the cabinet is fairly common in rural areas, the main issue is that your speeds depend on the distance you are from your nearest cabinet.

The further away from the cabinet you are, the slower the speeds. This is an issue because, in the countryside, green street cabinets are few and far between, meaning that your cabinet could be literally MILES away.

Ways to speed up your rural broadband.

Leased Line

A leased line is the number one method for speeding up your connectivity. A leased line is a dedicated fibre circuit from your premises to the nearest fibre connection.

Leased lines are the champion of internet connectivity. They provide businesses with RIDICULOUS broadband speeds using a dedicated fibre optic line. This line is flexible and can be adjusted to give you more or less speed, when required.

Benefits of a leased line:

  • 99.99% Uptime
  • Unparalleled speeds (1Gbps)
  • Dedicated line
  • Voucher scheme
  • Not impeded during 'peak times'

Commsplus are currently offering up to £2,500 off your leased line installation. This is a Government approved voucher scheme to help increase rural connectivity and broadband speeds across the country.

Shop around for deals

Broadband providers need to be as competitive as possible on their packages. It's always a good idea to shop around for deals, to see if a company is able to offer you faster speeds.

Don't forget local business broadband provider, like us, who may be able to help you with any speed issues.

4G Wi-Fi

A great way to speed up your rural broadband speed is to switch to a temporary 4G Wi-Fi solution. 4G has long been the standard for mobile data connections. It's huge coverage and reliable speeds offer users a a strong online browsing experience.

That is why, using a 4G Wi-Fi solution to speed up your rural connectivity may be the best option. 4G Wi-Fi works by using a SIM card, plugged into the back of a specially designed router. This router then supplies Wi-Fi or wired connectivity to your devices.

Poor 4G? Don't worry, we can attach an antenna to the router, allowing it to pick up better 4G signals.

Learn more about our portable 4G Wi-Fi

4G Wi-Fi


For businesses who are in a slightly less remote location, point-to-point communications may be more beneficial. Point-to-point transmits a data signal wirelessly using microwaves from one point to another. These points must both be within line-of-sight with one another.

Using point-to-point, you can reliably transmit a data signal between two points to bring a stronger signal to your premises. This signal can improve your broadband speed, however it does require another place with access to a good broadband connection.

We recommend point-to-point to businesses with multiple premises within a single location, or those who are on a separate connection from others nearby.

Upgrade your Wi-Fi Router

Why not upgrade to a more modern Wi-Fi router. Upgrading your router can increase your Wi-Fi speed by reducing the latency and providing you with better, stronger Wi-Fi signal as well as Wi-Fi at a greater distance.

Removing older tech from your broadband is always a good idea. Upgrading to modern technology helps eliminate errors and improve connectivity across the board.

Why not check out our Wi-Fi solutions for more information about the industry leading Wi-Fi routers.

Dual Broadband Lines

Dual broadband lines are exactly what is says on the tin - it's two broadband lines that run in parallel to your premises. Whilst dual broadband lines will not increase your broadband speeds, they will prevent costly downtime.

Having two lines gives you a failsafe. If one fails, you broadband will not suffer. Many of our most rural customer take advantage of this solution to give their business more stability.

We know how important good, reliable broadband is. We especially know how frustrating it can be for rural locations.

There are always other options, however. If you're interested in learning more about Commsplus, and our broadband solutions, give us a call on 01934 882200 or email us at for more.

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